Popup CalendarToolkit for Excel

Work with dates easily: insert and edit dates and time in cells using a handy date picker


lifetime license

XLTools Popup Calendar toolkit icon
  • Use easily

    Simply select a cell and pick a date or time from the calendar.

  • Access quickly

    Bring up the calendar from Excel ribbon, context menu, or hotkeys.

  • Populate ranges

    Populate with dates entire columns, rows or merged cells in a click.

  • Get correct format

    Insert date and time values in the exact format you want.

  • Pay once & use forever

    Lifetime license, 1 year of free upgrades, free support.

Work with dates and time in Excel effortlessly

Insert date and timein individual cells or populate entire columns and rows

  • You can insert date only, time only, or both date and time at once. Simply select a cell — and pick a value from the Popup Calendar. Inserting the current date and time takes just a click.

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I am a mortgage broker and I need to assess how long a mortgage takes to complete. Popup Calendar was brilliant — it allowed me just to pull down the calendar, insert the start date and the end date.
Tom Allen,mortgage broker

Set the date-time formatof the Popup Calendar exactly as you want it to be

  • By default, the Popup Calendar applies the date-time format defined in your system settings. But you can select a different regional format and avoid DD/MM and MM/DD confusion.

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I need to input data for travel, personnel and treasury management. Entering manually all those dates and having to format the cells every time became really an issue for me. XLTools did everything I wanted the way I wanted it.
Nikolay Apostolov,financial manager

Find any date quicklyand bring up the calendar easily

  • Locating a date will not be a problem. You can zoom out from month view to year and decade view and find the exact date you need.

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I like the “hidden” functionality of the Popup Calendar – clicking on the month and bringing up all 12 months to select another month. That is cool!
Rob H Samia,IT coordinator

XLTools Popup Calendar toolkit


Lifetime license. 1 year of free updates. Free support.

Frequent questions about XLTools Popup Calendar

The Popup Calendar is best in situations when you get tired of dd/mm/yy or yyyy-mm-dd guesswork and entering dates in Excel manually. For example, you can easily:

  • Manage schedules and project planners
  • Prepare to-do lists and time reports
  • Keep appointments and timetables
  • Prepare financial or other reports
  • Track inventory and stock, etc.

Need more details?

Browse the documentation and support section or contact us.

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