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GPT.Extract - Extract specific information from text in Excel

GPT.Extract is an AI function that extracts specific types of data (like emails, phone numbers, or company names) from the given text.
How to use GPT.Extract function in Excel: formula and examples


=GPT.Extract(text, instructions)
Text from which to extract information. Cannot be empty.
Specifies the type of information to extract (e.g., "email", "phone numbers", "company names").

Before you begin, add Functions to Excel

Functions are one of the 20+ features within XLTools Add-in for Excel. Works in Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, desktop Office 365.

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Examples [download]

Download this spreadsheet with examples and try the function yourself.

=GPT.Extract("Contact me at", "email")Extracts an email address from the text.""
=GPT.Extract("Call me at 555-1234", "phone numbers")Extracts a phone number from the text."555-1234"
=GPT.Extract("I work at Google and Microsoft", "companies")Extracts company names from the text."Google, Microsoft"

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