How to uninstall XLTools: brief guide

You can uninstall XLTools like any other program:

Control Panel Programs Uninstall a program Select "XLTools Add-in for Microsoft Excel" Click Uninstall.

If any questions, please see the detailed step-by-step guide.

How to uninstall XLTools: detailed guide

Option 1: Uninstall via Control Panel

  1. Start Menu Type "Control Panel" Control Panel will open.
  2. In the Programs section, click Uninstall a program A list of all programs installed on your computer will open.
  3. Find and select "XLTools Add-in for Microsoft Excel" Click the Uninstall button above the list of programs Click OK to confirm Done, XLTools Add-in is removed from your computer.
How to uninstall XLTools add-in via Control Panel

Option 2: Uninstall via Apps (Windows 10)

  1. Start Menu Click the "Settings" icon Windows Settings will open.
  2. Open the Apps section Select Apps & Features.
  3. Find and select "XLTools Add-in for Microsoft Excel" Click the Uninstall button Click OK to confirm Done, XLTools Add-in is removed from your computer.
How to uninstall XLTools add-in via Apps and Features

How to reinstall XLTools on your computer

  1. Uninstall XLTools from your computer, as desrcibed above.

  2. Install again:

    Download If prompted, click Run or Save If you chose Save, double-click "xltools.exe" file in your browser downloads Installation will take just a few seconds.

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